FDA Approves New Vitiligo Treatment, Ruxolitinib (Opzelura)

FDA Approves New Vitiligo Treatment, Ruxolitinib (Opzelura)

On July 18, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved ruxolitinib (Opzelura) cream 1.5 percent as a treatment for the most common form of vitiligo, according to a statement by Incyte, the manufacturer of the drug.Vitiligo is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes patches of skin to lose pigment and turn milky white. The most prevalent form is nonsegmental (also known as generalized) vitiligo, in which white patches appear symmetrically on both sides of the body, such as on both hands or both knees, often covering large areas.Ruxolitinib is the first medication that can restore pigment in patients with nonsegmental vitiligo. The FDA approved Incyte’s ruxolitinib cream for adults and children ages 12 and up.“This approval is monumental,” says Daniel Gutierrez, MD, assistant professor of dermatology at NYU Grossman…
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Endometriosis May Raise Risk of Stroke, Study Finds

Endometriosis May Raise Risk of Stroke, Study Finds

About 1 in 10 women have endometriosis, a chronic condition that occurs when endometrial-like tissue grows outside the uterus on other organs, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel, and outside walls of the uterus.Endometriosis, which occurs in women of childbearing age, is often painful and can cause fertility issues — and it has long been viewed solely as a reproductive health condition. But a new study highlights the importance of understanding how endometriosis may affect other parts of the body.According to a study published in Stroke on July 21, women with endometriosis may be at a higher risk of having a stroke.“The takeaway message is that, though important, endometriosis isn’t just about symptoms such as fertility issues or debilitating pelvic pain — but also about a whole-body focus on women’s well-being,” says…
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8 Healthy Food Swaps That Will Save You Money at the Supermarket

8 Healthy Food Swaps That Will Save You Money at the Supermarket

Even if you weren’t a fan of grocery shopping before, you’ve likely noticed a new reason to dread it: sticker shock at the checkout. Inflation in the United States rose 9.1 percent compared with last June, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Consumer Price Index (CPI) forecast predicts that food in particular will see upward of an 8.5 percent price increase in 2022. Source link
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Shark Sightings Rise, But Attacks Remain Rare

Shark Sightings Rise, But Attacks Remain Rare

Sharks have been spotted in unusual numbers along the East Coast and the coast of California this summer — and, in a few nonfatal instances, they have bitten people. In June, a swimmer in Monterey Bay, California, survived a great white shark bite after being rescued by surfers. Last week, a surfer on Long Island, New York, became the sixth person bitten by a shark in the area in three weeks. Beaches in Massachusetts, Florida, the San Francisco Bay Area, and even New York City have been shut down temporarily (until the sharks swam away).“During the summer, especially on the East Coast, is when a lot of sharks’ prey species are closer to the coast — hence why you have more sightings,” says Nia Burnett, a marine scientist, graduate student, and…
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Open-Label Placebo May Help Reduce IBS Pain in Kids

Open-Label Placebo May Help Reduce IBS Pain in Kids

For children with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a disorder that affects the large intestine and colon, causing symptoms like abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, diarrhea, and/or constipation, taking a placebo could help reduce pain, a study published in JAMA Pediatrics in April 2022 suggests.Research has shown that pain is a major symptom of IBS, which could be due to the connection between the gut and the brain. That may explain why people with IBS respond well to placebos as a pain treatment — the fake pills can have a psychological effect and help patients feel less pain. Typically, however, placebos are given to people who believe they are receiving real medicine.“Knowing that the placebo effect is so important, particularly in patients with IBS, we decided to test the hypothesis of what happens…
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Diseño y desarrollo web, Agencia Marketing DigitalGrowth desvela las claves para el éxito digital

Bootcamp de programación
Aquí es donde el sitio web se lanza oficialmente y se pone a disposición del público. Es importante realizar un mantenimiento continuo del sitio web para garantizar su funcionamiento óptimo. Esto implica la solución de problemas, actualizaciones regulares y la incorporación de nuevas características según sea necesario. Desarrollo web estático, dinámico, de comercio electrónico, desarrollo web móvil, desarrollo web de aplicaciones, responsive, orientado al SEO y de aplicaciones web progresivas (PWA). Sin el desarrollo web adecuado, las empresas se arriesgan a quedar rezagadas en un mercado cada vez más y más competitivo.La optimización para dispositivos móviles también es esencial para adaptar el sitio a diferentes tamaños de pantalla y asegurar su accesibilidad desde cualquier lugar.Muchos desarrolladores web comienzan su carrera con un único enfoque, normalmente el desarrollo de front-end o…
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Supplements With Banned Ingredients Still on the Market, Research Finds

Supplements With Banned Ingredients Still on the Market, Research Finds

There has been a lot of debate over how effective nutritional supplements really are when it comes to weight loss or health perks, but consumers have a reasonable expectation that anything sold in drugstores is at least safe to take. New research published today, however, shows that that may not always be the case. Multiple supplements with banned ingredients remain on store shelves even after warnings issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and often, the dangerous ingredients are not even listed on the labels, making them very difficult to avoid.While nutritional supplements look like any other pill, they are classified as food and not medicine by the FDA, which means they’re not subject to the same scrutiny as even over-the-counter drugs. When the FDA does find something…
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Is the ‘Treadmill Strut’ Workout Trend Worth the Hype?

Is the ‘Treadmill Strut’ Workout Trend Worth the Hype?

Does strutting along to Taylor Swift, Lizzo, and Arianna Grande count as a workout?Allie Bennett, the self-proclaimed “CEO of the treadmill strut,” skyrocketed to viral TikTok fame in April 2022 when she decided to create a 36-minute treadmill workout set to a playlist of Taylor Swift songs: the original treadmill strut workout.In that first video, which has garnered 3.7 million views so far, she posted instructions for the workout: Starting with the first song on the playlist, find your pace. When the song changes, increase the pace of the treadmill by 0.1 miles per hour. When you get to the final two songs, either stay at the pace you land at, or crank it up to jogging speed. Then lower the pace for the last song to whichever speed allows you…
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Drinking Moderate Amounts of Alcohol Linked to Cognitive Decline

Drinking Moderate Amounts of Alcohol Linked to Cognitive Decline

Having as few as two alcoholic drinks per week can lead to cognitive decline, according to a study published recently in PLOS Medicine. That’s because drinking seems to increase the amount of iron present in the brain, with higher levels linked to neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.“Even small amounts of alcohol can harm your brain,” says Anya Topiwala, doctor of psychiatry, senior clinical researcher at the University of Oxford, and lead author of the study. “We found that the amount people said that they drank was related to the amount of iron in their brain. The more they drank, the more iron there seemed to be.”Those increased iron levels were also associated with demonstrable cognitive effects. “We also did memory tests on these people, and it seemed that…
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First Polio Case in U.S. in Nearly a Decade Detected in New York Suburb

First Polio Case in U.S. in Nearly a Decade Detected in New York Suburb

New York health officials on Thursday alerted the public that a case of polio has been confirmed in an unvaccinated resident of Rockland County.State and county authorities are advising medical practitioners and healthcare providers to be on the lookout for additional cases.Polio, or poliomyelitis, is a potentially crippling and even deadly infectious disease caused by a virus that spreads from person to person, invading the brain and spinal cord, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). One in 200 cases leads to irreversible paralysis.The polio vaccine, however, is highly effective at stopping polio, and the shot continues to be included in the CDC’s standard child immunization schedule. Because of a successful vaccination program in the United States in the 20th century, the country has been considered polio-free since 1979. Occasionally,…
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