Is Your Data Safe With Period Tracking Apps?

Is Your Data Safe With Period Tracking Apps?

As the country grapples with the possibility of heavily curtailed abortion access, period tracking apps have come under more scrutiny. To get some answers, we spoke with Cooper Quintin, a senior staff technologist at the internet and civil liberties–focused nonprofit Electronic Frontier Foundation, about the data your period tracking app could be collecting and what precautions you can take to guard your privacy when seeking information on abortion in a post-Roe America.This interview has been edited for length and clarity.Period Tracking Apps Could Be Collecting More Data Than You RealizeEveryday Health: When a person uses a period tracking app, what kind of data might be recorded?Cooper Quintin: Obviously, data about whether you're on your cycle or not, data about whether you missed your cycle, whether you missed your period, when your…
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Healthy Eating Doesn’t Slow the Progression of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases, Says Study

Healthy Eating Doesn’t Slow the Progression of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases, Says Study

While a healthy diet has a host of good-for-you benefits, nutrients alone are not likely to slow the progression of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, finds a review of scientific research that was published in RMD Open in April 2022.The researchers, who are affiliated with the University of Manchester in England, looked at 24 systematic reviews that were published between 2013 and 2018, as well as 150 additional original published studies. Their findings suggest that nutrients such as vitamin D, vitamin C, and omega-3 fatty acids — in food or taken as supplements — have a small but not clinically meaningful impact on RMD progression, and there are also not enough high-quality dietary studies in existence to support a positive effect.“There are multiple potential reasons…
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Беспроигрышная Стратегия Ставок: Какие Стратегии Выбирать Беттерам С Опытом И Новичкам Блог

Беспроигрышная Стратегия Ставок: Какие Стратегии Выбирать Беттерам С Опытом И Новичкам Блоги10 Популярных Стратегий Ставок На Спорт, Хорошие Букмекерские Системы, На Футбол ЧемпионатСписокСтратегия МартингейлаКак Работает Букмекер: Заниженные Коэффициенты И МаржаБукмекерские ВилкиСтратегия Экспресс-ставок На ФаворитовКак Работает Букмекерская КонтораВыбор Букмекерской КонторыТоталЧто Такое Стратегия Ставок На СпортПредварительный Анализ МатчейОбзор 10 Популярных Стратегий Ставок На Футбол И Другой СпортСтратегия Ставок На Спорт +60%Догон На Определенный РезультатЧто Такое БукмекерСчитайте Вероятность, Ищите Лучшие КоэффициентыСоставляя прогноз, стоит ориентироваться на эти показатели. К примеру, можно поставить на победу «Баварии» с минусовой форой, или же поставить на тотал больше 3,5. Основа правильного прогноза на каждый вид спорта — детальный предварительный анализ спортивного события. Предположим, что игрок планирует ставить на матч «Кельна» против «Баварии». Они могут (и будут) проигрывать, и к этому нужно быть готовым.Для снижения рисков используют события с…
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The High Cost of Cancer Care in the U.S. Doesn’t Improve Survival Rates

The High Cost of Cancer Care in the U.S. Doesn’t Improve Survival Rates

Although the United States spends twice as much on cancer care as the average high-income country, the rate of cancer deaths are only slightly better than average, according to a study published in study published in JAMA Health Forum.It’s been well established that U.S. healthcare is expensive, and that patients living in the United States tend to have earlier access to new cancer therapies. But whether that spending has translated into fewer cancer deaths has been unclear, says senior author Cary Gross, MD, professor of medicine and founder and director of Cancer Outcomes, Public Policy and Effectiveness Research Center at Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut.“The most recent studies comparing cancers costs with outcomes at the national level are over a decade old,” says Dr. Gross.That’s important, in…
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U.S. Smokers Have Unequal Access to Cessation Assistance

U.S. Smokers Have Unequal Access to Cessation Assistance

Not all smokers have the same chance of getting medical assistance to quit, a U.S. study has found.For the study, researchers examined survey data from a representative sample of American adults. All the participants had seen a health professional at least once in the past year, and were either current smokers or had managed to quit during that time.Researchers wanted to know what factors might influence the likelihood that participants had received advice from a clinician on how to quit smoking or been prescribed smoking cessation aids.“We found several disparities in receipt of cessation assistance,” the study team wrote in their report, published June 1 in JAMA Network Open.People were more than twice as likely to receive cessation assistance if they had a regular place to get preventive care, the researchers…
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Lifestyle Coaching Helps Black Patients Lower Their Blood Pressure

Lifestyle Coaching Helps Black Patients Lower Their Blood Pressure

Giving Black patients with hypertension personalized coaching on how to improve their eating habits made it easier for them to manage their blood pressure, a new study has found.“Black adults have the highest rates of high blood pressure in the United States, and, for reasons we don’t fully understand, it starts at a younger age and results in strokes, heart attacks, heart failure, chronic kidney disease, and other serious hypertension-related health problems occurring at an earlier age as well,” says the senior study author, Stephen Sidney, MD, MPH, a research scientist at the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research in Oakland, California.The new study focused on a particularly high risk group of 1,761 Black patients — people whose blood pressure remained high even when they took medication to lower it. All patients…
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Study Finds Climate Change Could Be Bad for Sleep, Too

Study Finds Climate Change Could Be Bad for Sleep, Too

The World Health Organization (WHO) and others have issued stark warnings about the possible effects of continued climate change on human health. According to WHO projections published in 2021, the added costs of climate-related health damage could be $2 to $4 billion by 2030 and between 2030 and 2050, climate changes is estimated to be responsible for 250,000 deaths per year.Now new research says another possible health cost of increasing global temperatures may be reduced sleep, according to data published on May 20 in the journal One Earth. The researchers estimated that by the year 2099, warmer temperatures could result in people sleeping 50 to 58 hours less per person per year on average (about 8 to 10 minutes per night).“Less sleep overall places you at increased risk for mood…
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Diet Low on the Glycemic Index Aids Weight Loss in People With Heart Disease

Diet Low on the Glycemic Index Aids Weight Loss in People With Heart Disease

People with heart disease who eat a low-glycemic-index diet with lots of leafy greens, whole grains, legumes, and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables may find it easier to lose excess weight and slim down around their midsection, a small clinical trial suggests.The glycemic index ranks carbohydrates from zero (foods with no glucose at all) to 100 (sweets and drinks that contain nothing but glucose). Simple carbohydrates that have more glucose are digested rapidly, causing dramatic spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels. Complex carbohydrates with less glucose are digested more slowly and help maintain steadier blood sugar levels throughout the day.All the people in the new clinical trial had coronary artery disease, which happens when plaque accumulation causes the heart’s major blood vessels to narrow and stiffen, limiting blood flow. Participants…
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At Least 1 in 7 People Worldwide Have Had Lyme Disease

At Least 1 in 7 People Worldwide Have Had Lyme Disease

Tick-borne Lyme disease is becoming more common, and a study suggests that more than 1 in 7 people worldwide are currently infected or have previously had this illness.For the study, researchers examined data pooled from 89 previously published studies of Lyme disease prevalence that, combined, included more than 158,000 participants worldwide. These studies looked at data from blood tests to see how often people got infected with Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. Blood tests show antibodies to Bb infection when people currently have Lyme disease or have had it in the past.Overall, 14.5 percent of the global population currently has Lyme disease or has been previously infected, the analysis of data from 2001 to 2021 found. The worldwide prevalence of Lyme disease was also significantly higher…
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How to Find Trustworthy Abortion, Emergency Contraception, and Birth Control Resources

How to Find Trustworthy Abortion, Emergency Contraception, and Birth Control Resources

The Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, eliminating the constitutional right to abortion and giving individual states agency to legislate abortion access. People have found ways to end unwanted and unsafe pregnancies for as long as people have gotten pregnant.More than 850,000 abortions are performed annually in the United States, according to the Guttmacher Institute. While many states will restrict abortion access, people everywhere will continue to get abortions — it’s a matter of how safe and expensive it will be.Your state may have changed its abortion laws and the information around abortion might be less robust and harder to find. That’s why you should go to trusted sources of information.Trust Existing Abortion Healthcare NetworksIn aftermath of Roe, many people had their social media feeds flooded with people volunteering their…
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